The small grill

Not sure if I ever posted about using the little grills. You know,, like the little Smokey Joe or this Thermos one I have.

They use much less charcoal, but cook just fine. Maybe a bit different techniques, but just fine. They work better when use like a haibachi and direct heat,, so coal placement is crucial

You definitely need cool zones with these guys because you are going to want to cook directly over the coals. The convections don’t quite work as good as the bigger ones…

So some tong skills are needed. Gotta move stuff around over the coals a bit more. Flip or rotate, move back to the cool zone if flare up are imminent.. just pay attention. Like these brats. Don’t walk to far away.

But once you get the rhythm down you can almost do anything the big grills can do. Just might need so pre prep. Like like pre slow cooked ribs. Sauce em and foil to get them back up to temp.

Easy to bring get some fantastic results with just a bit of planning, but lots less space.

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